Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Okay, I know all two of you have been wondering where I've gone....the answer is pretty simple...between my computer's long slow death .and my Life With Three Boys I just have not had time for my favorite little stress reliever!!! Until my life settles down a know I started a new job a few months back, my husband started a new job (with a regular paycheck...woohooo!) basketball, baseball, flag football, track, yada yada, I just have not had the time. Actually, time aside, it was really when my computer got "sick" and I was having problems uploading pictures that I started slacking. So, for now my dear and faithful blogging friends, you can follow our doings over at my FLICKR. For now, until I can get my new computer all figured out and setup I will just be posting at is much quicker, no problems ever, and lucky you won't have to listen to me just rattle on about nothing!!!! Miss you all and I promise to be back soon!!!

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