Monday, April 24, 2006


All Justin wanted to do for his 11th Birthday is have a sleepover! So, after narrowing down his list to a manageable amount to sleep over it ended up being a great night!! Justin has a great group of friends who have so much fun together and are so well behaved and polite! The night was actually a breeze!! The plan was to have no plan and the boys just created their own fun! I think all the kids had a great time just hanging out!!!

The boys....Okay, these rockets were a huge hit!!! I picked them up last minute and didn't think they would really be that into it...but they loved them!!

Blast off....
Rocket Football...they were getting very creative coming up with different games....
Oh my goodness!! Much to my husbands horror the boys thought it would be funny to put wigs on! These boys are so goofy! They kept us laughing all night! Yeah, this would be my SON......
They boys can't wait to have pit hair!! heehee....

Wolfie....we were so happy Wolfie is feeling better and got to be here!!!! They all had the wigs on whether they will admit it or not! I had to take this one quick before they took them off!!

Video game time....

Flashlight tag....

Good morning sunshines!! Poor Bryan was still sleeping when Joe stepped right on him not realizing he was still in his sleeping bag! Then he stepped on a rusty staple out front and had to go get a tetanus shot...sorry Bryan you had such a rough morning!!


Blogger Mom2DraBrittGunn said...

Looks like you boys,young ladies had a BLAST...Maybe Wolfie had the most! He looked so cute! Maybe no more make-up???? I have the same pink floral belt that goes to my pink old navy capris! Happy birthday again Justin!

4:27 PM  
Blogger Chef Deb said...

WOW! Looks like they had a great time. I love Wolfie in the group shot with the wigs on and Justin's is a crack-up!! You can barely tell it's him...Looks like you had a good party, Justin!!

9:54 AM  
Blogger Mom2DraBrittGunn said...

Dra says," Nice "SLUMBER PARTY" Justin! Dra died when I showed him these pictures! He can't believe how many friends you have!

3:53 AM  
Blogger DANCE_4_LIFE said...

That is hecka funny!!

8:46 PM  

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