Isn't this too funny! As a parent said we are sending our 5th graders on a "California Wine Tour" bus to "Whiskeytown" Funny! If that were the case I'd be on that bus and Joe would be home holding the fort down! heehee... Actually, they are off to 5th Grade Camp at Whiskeytown Environmental School for the week! And cruisin' in style I must say! I'm sure it looks funny 2 bus loads of kids cruisin' down I5 in a Wine Tour Bus! The kids have all been looking so forward to this week! Justin is so excited to spend the week with all his buddies and as an added bonus his Dad is with him! Well, kind of. He's one of the chaperones but not Justin's! Justin's 5th grade class is such a great group of kids and the parents that are going all know each other and will have a blast as well!

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